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Identity parser, returns the Parser as is.

function identity(Parser $parser) : Parser


A parser that will have the argument as its output, no matter what the input was. It doesn't consume any input.

function pure($output) : Parser


Optionally parse something, but still succeed if the thing is not there

function optional(Parser $parser) : Parser


Create a parser that takes the output from the first parser (if successful) and feeds it to the callable. The callable must return another parser. If the first parser fails, the first parser is returned.

This is a monadic bind aka flatmap.

function bind(Parser $parser, callable $f) : Parser


Sequential application. Given a parser which outputs a callable, return a new parser that applies the callable on the output of the second parser.

The first parser must be of type Parser<callable(T1):T2>. {@see pure()} can be used to wrap a callable in a Parser.

Callables with more than 1 argument need to be curried: pure(curry(fn($x, $y)))->apply($parser2)->apply($parser3)

function apply(Parser $parser1, Parser $parser2) : Parser


Parse something, then follow by something else. Ignore the result of the first parser and return the result of the second parser.

function sequence(Parser $first, Parser $second) : Parser


Sequence two parsers, and return the output of the first one.

function keepFirst(Parser $first, Parser $second) : Parser


Sequence two parsers, and return the output of the second one.

function keepSecond(Parser $first, Parser $second) : Parser


Either parse the first thing or the second thing

function either(Parser $first, Parser $second) : Parser


Combine the parser with another parser of the same type, which will cause the results to be appended.

function append(Parser $left, Parser $right) : Parser


Append all the passed parsers.

function assemble(Parser ...$parsers) : Parser


Parse into an array that consists of the results of all parsers.

function collect(Parser ...$parsers) : Parser


Tries each parser one by one, returning the result of the first one that succeeds.

function any(Parser ...$parsers) : Parser


Tries each parser one by one, returning the result of the first one that succeeds.

Alias for {@see any()}

function choice(Parser ...$parsers) : Parser


One or more repetitions of Parser, with the outputs appended.

function atLeastOne(Parser $parser) : Parser


Warning: Deprecated

Zero or more repetitions of Parser, with the outputs appended.

function zeroOrMore(Parser $parser) : Parser


Parse something exactly n times

function repeat(int $n, Parser $parser) : Parser


Parse something exactly n times and return as an array

function repeatList(int $n, Parser $parser) : Parser


Parse something one or more times, and output an array of the successful outputs.

function some(Parser $parser) : Parser


Parse something zero or more times, and output an array of the successful outputs.

function many(Parser $parser) : Parser


Parse $open, followed by $middle, followed by $close, and return the result of $middle. Useful for eg. "(value)".

function between(Parser $open, Parser $close, Parser $middle) : Parser


Parses zero or more occurrences of $parser, separated by $separator. Returns a list of values.

The sepBy parser always succeed, even if it doesn't find anything. Use {@see sepBy1()} if you want it to find at least one value.

function sepBy(Parser $separator, Parser $parser) : Parser


Parses one or more occurrences of $parser, separated by $separator. Returns a list of values.

function sepBy1(Parser $separator, Parser $parser) : Parser


Parses 2 or more occurrences of $parser, separated by $separator. Returns a list of values.

function sepBy2(Parser $separator, Parser $parser) : Parser


notFollowedBy only succeeds when $parser fails. It never consumes any input.


string("print") will also match "printXYZ"

keepFirst(string("print"), notFollowedBy(alphaNumChar())) will match "print something" but not "printXYZ something"

function notFollowedBy(Parser $parser) : Parser


Map a function over the parser (which in turn maps it over the result).

function map(Parser $parser, callable $transform) : Parser


If $parser succeeds (either consuming input or not), lookAhead behaves like $parser succeeded without consuming anything. If $parser fails, lookAhead has no effect, i.e. it will fail to consume input if $parser fails consuming input.

function lookAhead(Parser $parser) : Parser